Caterina Calafat


Caterina Calafat Ripoll
Telèfon 971 259537 (9537)  

She is a senior lecturer in French Philology, and holds an MA in Philology (UIB) and another in Translation and Interpreting (UAB). She also works as a conference interpreter and translator (convenor of the UIB’s Master’s programme in Literary Translation [2008-2010]), having translated George Sand’s memoirs. She co-organised the First International Conference (The Politics) of Translation (of politics), 2016. She collaborates with research teams on Contemporary Poetry and Affect Theory in addition to Translation and Ideology, participating in several international projects. Her research sabbaticals overseas (2010-2016) include: Université de Corti; Université de Montréal; Lessius Hogeschool (Antwerp); CUNY (New York); Queen Mary University (London) ; University of Saint Andrews (Scotland).